Big + Far Math Challenge @ ICC

April 22, 2017


Recently I participated and won First prize in Big Far Math challenge hosted by ICC. The challenge description can be found here –

Participating in it was a quite exciting and learning experience for me. I could explore different technical areas while gathering data and preparing visualizations with it.

I have shared the source code and a static version of the visualization on GitHub. The dynamic version was hosted on Apache Solr running on my local desktop.

You can visit the project page @ from which you can navigate to the visualizations that I came up with.

I am also sharing the presentation given to the judges as part of assessment if you are looking for more details.

– Amit

Good REST Article

February 18, 2012


Wanted to share a very nice article written by Martin Fowler about REST webservices. Easier to understand for the people like me who keeps using the webservices the traditional way as RPC.

I am hoping for the new development at least, I get a chance to try these principles.

Here is the article.

